A Fire Door “Gap” is the space between the door and the door frame head, jamb or floor. When this space exceeds tolerances (defined by NFPA 80 and enforced by The Joint Commission), it is considered “excessive”. The problem with an excessive gap is that it can allow the smoke and/or fire to pass through the opening and jeopardizes the integrity of the door. An excessive gap leads to failed code inspections that will cost your organization thousands of dollars in penalties. Most importantly, they cause a fire door to fail, putting lives at risk!
NGP’s UL Certified 90-minute Fire Door Accessories will help you avoid the cost, labor and disruption of replacing existing doors and/or structures to achieve compliance. Whether it’s an excessive gap along the perimeter of the door or a hardware revision that jeopardizes the integrity of the door itself, GapGuard™ Fire Door Accessories has a solution to get you back into compliance with ease.
GapGuard™ Fire Door Accessories can be found in solutions for door tops, meeting edges, door jambs, door bottoms, and hardware fillers. See the picture here for corresponding NGP part numbers on all available products. You can learn more about the individual solutions on the NGP site linked below.