Warren Doors & Access Control is an authorized distributor of Overly Doors. Contact us today to get a quote for your next project!

Overly Door Company is a custom specialty door and window manufacturer. Industry leading Architects utilize their products to achieve the exact specification their facility requires. They provide many “out-of-the-box” solutions for your standard needs. They also specialize in custom barrier systems. Specify Overly Door Company for all of your standard or custom acoustical, blast and bullet resistant, radiation shielding, or GSA vault door needs.
For over 50 years, Overly has been the industry leader in the design, testing, and manufacturing of Architectural Acoustic Door and Window Systems.
All of Overly’s acoustical products have been tested to ASTM standards as complete operable systems at Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories of Geneva, IL to ensure they perform as intended.
- Wood doors rated up to STC 49
- Metal doors rated up to STC 57
- Fixed Windows up to STC 55
- Pre-Engineered Blast Doors:
- Series BMD (Blast Mitigation Door) is a series of doors designed and tested to meet the requirements of Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01, “DOD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings.” This criteria requires all exterior doors to be designed in accordance with ASTM F2927-12, “Standard Test method for Door Systems Subject to Air blast Loadings”
- Series VLRB (Very Low Range Blast), LRB (Low Range Blast) and MRB (Mid Range Blast) are a family of pre-engineered blast- and fire-resistant doors and frames. The doors are used for hazardous material storage, automotive, chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical facilities.
- High-range Blast Doors and Windows: Due to the unique nature of some projects, a pre-engineered model is not always the best selection. Often, a custom design is required. That is where Overly Doors comes in. Their engineering and sales staff can help custom design a product to meet your most demanding applications.
Overly’s Bullet-Resistant Door and Window Systems provide a superior level of protection for the most demanding applications. With over 50 years experience designing and manufacturing bullet-resistant products, they have the experience it takes to ensure the safety of your personnel or property from direct arms fire. They offer a full range of pre-engineered models and can custom design for your specific needs.
- Metal Doors up to Level 8
- Wood Doors up to Level 8
- Service Windows up to Level 4
- Fixed Windows up to Level 8